Officially Technological

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Strange Things You Do When Your Wedding Is 12 Days Away

  1. Persistantly check the weather forecast for an odd little 2000 person town in Maine
  2. Frantically paint in three different rooms at a time for days straight
  3. Give up on trying to find all the "perfect" things and settle for just finding things
  4. Stop shaving your legs (hey, I figure this is my final hurrah and then I have 75 years to shave)
  5. Trim your own bangs while going over your lesson plan (it turned out OK)
  6. Wear gloves when you're washing the dishes, I mean who would want chipped nails for their wedding (or in my case, who would want more chipped nails for their wedding)?
  7. Buy milk from a gas station (shady - I admit) because you don't have time to go to the grocery store, and you know you'll only be drinking it until next Monday when you move
  8. Spend two hours cleaning out your sock drawer, because you can't organize your thoughts enough to do anything else
  9. Have a panic attack every time your lip hurts for fear that you'll get a cold-sore
posted by Julie at 10:30 PM


I know what you're saying. My wedding was just as stressful. Especially since I had no bride.

My mom told me I was too self-defeating yesterday. I said, "i know, I'm horrible at it". And then walked away with my head down.

I guess that's an INTP for yah. Or....whatever.

21/6/06 13:34  

Maybe I should make a list of the strange things that I do when your wedding is 12 days away... Well, maybe not. Anyway, add a bubble bath to that list. You might need it.

21/6/06 14:00  

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